Archive | May, 2013

Oreo Shake

25 May

Cookie-Monster-Oreo-CupcakesWho isn´t  an Oreo cookie fan?

Bring your childhood memories alive with this shake.


  • 2 Scoops of Herbalife Cookies and Cream Formula 1
  • 2 Scoops of Protein Powder
  • 250ml of Soya milk/ non-fat milk
  • 2 spoons of Stracciatella yogurt
  • 1/2 Oreo cookie

Add ice, if you wish.

Chocolate Shake with Orange

18 May

shakeToday´s recipe is for those who are carving for chocolate.


  • 2 Scoops of Herbalife Chocolate Formula 1
  • 2 Scoops of Protein Powder
  • 250ml of Soya chocolate milk/ non-fat milk
  • 2 spoons Stracciatella yogurt
  • Orange peel
  • Ice

Mix all together and enjoy!

Tropical Beach Shake

16 May

tropical shakeSummer is there and we can´t wait for spending our days sunbathing and swimming in the ocean. Enjoy this marvelous cocktail at the beach.


  • 2 Scoops of Herbalife Chocolate Formula 1
  • 2 Scoops of Protein Powder
  • 300 ml orange juice
  • Fresh strawberries
  • 1/3 cup pineapple
  • 1 cherry

Mix all the ingredients. Add ice for refreshing taste and add a cherry on top. Enjoy!

Burn more fat with HIIT Training!

12 May
We all know that workout is part of a successful weight loss program. 30 min. exercise a day can be decisive and make miracles to those extra pounds.

Here you have a possible workout that takes 30 minutes and burns 500kcal. High- intensity interval training (HIIT) helps you to to boost your metabolism and to burn more fat that cardio exercise. Try to do it twice a week to get better results. Ideal for those busy days, before work.

Get Ready, take your snickers out and enjoy!

Carrot Shake

7 May

Today’s recipe is very easy and fast to make. Full of flavor and rich in texture to keep you full longer.

diet-carrot-juiceCarrots are essential for a nutritional diet plan and a healthy lifestyle. Some of their benefits are:

  • Cancer prevention;
  • Healthy eyes;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Heart Health;
  • Natural detox


  • 2 scoops of Vanilla Formula 1
  • 2 scoops of herbalife protein
  • 2 carrots
  • 250 ml apple juice
  • ice

Put all ingredients together in a blender and mix it until smooth. Add ice and enjoy your healthy meal.

Banana Walnut Shake

3 May

Don’t slice this dessert treat, slurp it.banana shake

2 scoops Vanilla Formula 1
2 tablespoons Personalized Protein Powder
1 cup plain soy milk or nonfat milk
1/2 very ripe banana
1/8 teaspoon black-walnut flavoring
A few drops vanilla extract
1 dash cinnamon
4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed. Ice cubes are optional.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk):
Calories: 270
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Carbohydrates: 26 grams

Blueberry Cranberry Shake

2 May

A health sensation, packed with the goodness of blueberries and cranberries.



2 scoops Vanilla Formula 1
2 tablespoons Personalized Protein Powder
1/3 cup nonfat milk
1/2 cup low-calorie cranberry juice
1/2 cup blueberries
A few drops orange extract
4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed. Ice cubes are optional.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk):
Calories: 340
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Carbohydrates: 44 grams