Archive | June, 2013

Prince Polo Shake

6 Jun

Last week, we celebrate the child’s day (1st of June) in Iceland. We got a big package from Poland with lots of presents and candies.

The biggest minority living in Iceland are Polish so, you can imagine that their products are everywhere. But these Prince Polos were sent from Poland to us and we decide to create a Prince Polo shake and enjoy Poland in Iceland.


  • 2 Scoops of Herbalife Cookies and Cream Formula 1
  • 2 Scoops of Protein Powder
  • 250ml of Soya milk/ non-fat milk
  • Pieces of Prince Polo biscuit

Tip: just add the pieces of biscuit after all the other ingredients mixed.

Cieszyć się Milkshake!

Special Crunchy Shake

4 Jun

images (1)Definitely amazing recipe for a perfect lunch. I just tried it and I have to say I’m a big fan.

Sweet as a desert, healthy as a meal.

  • 2 Scoops of Herbalife Cookies and Cream Formula 1
  • 2 Scoops of Protein Powder
  • 250ml of Soya milk/ non-fat milk
  • Fitness cereals

Tip: just add the cereals after all the other ingredients mixed for extra crunchiness.
