Tag Archives: meal replacement

HERBALIFE Chocolate and Strawberry Shake

23 Apr

shake-chocolate-morangoAs promise, here we have another suggestion for a delicious meal. Isn’t it fun to create a different milkshake everyday? Each creation wakes up our senses and makes us experience different feelings.

Well, I decided to post some of our readers suggestions for a perfect milkshake moment. This week, send  your ideas to helenavenda@gmail.com and the best 2 will be posted here in the following week. You can add a photo of your milkshake and send it over.

Recipe for today’s milkshake:

  • 2 spoons chocolate Herbalife Formula 1 milkshake
  • 2 spoons of personalized herbalife protein
  • 250 ml of skim milk
  • 3 fresh strawberries

Add ice for better taste. Enjoy your meal and have a great day!